Even though i've been fermenting veggies since January and have made some delicious and very alive (think zing!) ferments, i wanted to get deeper into the science of fermentation, and also learn to make other ferments, like miso and tempeh (and of course the more common ferments like kefir and kombucha), so i enrolled in Summer Bock's Fermentation Certification Course. For the next four months, i'll be fermenting all the things! The challenge is that hot weather has arrived in AZ, and my house stays between 79-84 all through the course, which is too hot for lacto ferments. I've got my job cut out for me! Fortunately, i've been able to cut back my hours at my day job (which i love and don't want to give up completely), so i'll be home with my kiddo and my ferments most of the summer and will be able to keep them cool enough with ice packs.
My goal through this course is to learn as many ways to repopulate my gut with bene-bacs (my pet name for beneficial bacteria) in as diverse and abundant quantity as i can while enjoying the process of making my own probiotics at home, and also eventually teaching others to do the same!
I'm off to read, study and order supplies today. Wish me luck!